Reviews of some episodes...OTH and the lying game

Publié le par AnneSo129

show: The Lying Game

episode: Unholy Matrimony

what a season finale!

S first I hope that this show gets a second season or I'll be really really upset! because with an ending like that we need answers! This episode conclude a lot of stories that were developed this season and finishes with a big revelation that leaves us wanting to watch more! perfect for a season finale!



show: One Tree Hill

episode: A Rush of Blood to the Head


This season is great with the kidnapping story, making OTH a bit more like a thriller or something like that! I really like this episode because it was full of emotions: a lot of sadness and a bit of fun! My favorite part was the Clay/Logan storyline. I was kind of telling to myself that they look alike but I've never imagined that Logan is Clay et Sarah's son. Now I'm waiting for Quinn reaction but I'm not worried because she loves Clay and they can get through this! - the Xavier storyline will end badly, i think - what chase did for chuck and his mum was brave.







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