Glee -2×1- Audition- VOST fr

Publié le par AnneSo129

  In the second season opener, some new faces challenge old ones in Glee club auditions. Meanwhile new and old relationships leave some happy and others alone.

Metascore : 78 based on 6 critics(link)
My review (8.5/10)
In general, this episode was nice. the first twenty minutes are pretty good but the second half not as good. but I think it was a good season premiere because it introduces the new characters and we find out what the characters have done during the summer break!

What I really like is that the characters are back to their usual way :
- Quinn is really the queen of school again
- Rachel is still self-absorbed
- Sue is Sue. I love the scene in the stairs where she pushes the students! This is so her!
- Will is the nice guy even if he tries to be mean to the new coach with the help of Sue
So Artie and Tina broke up and Tina is now with Mike....that so good!
Chanice was a really nice addition to the show and the new director of Vocal Adrenaline makes Shelby Corcoran looks really soft! Don't you think.
I was a little upset that the episode doesn't finish with a group song. The group song was in the middle and was one of the best part of this episode : Empire state of mind is such a great song and they are good at it!
So next week episode is going to be huge! at least I hope so if Britney is as good as she was in How I met your mother !!!
Next week preview :

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